Back in the Swing of Things

Mark and I started school yesterday!  We had a good routine for almost a day, too.  But that didn't last long as yesterday was the National Championship game and it started at 9:40 our time.  So he took a nap in the afternoon and stayed up late watching the game.  I have had more school work than him so far, so I have not had nap time!  But the wireless router did need reset, aka, an excuse for some hammock/reading time!

He now has morning classes starting at 8am.  It's strange how everyday now feels like two days.  The morning and the afternoon...  Anyway, I woke up about the time he was leaving, because I was just not feeling the 6:45am thing.  I logged in for my first day of classes to realize that this minimester is going to suck!  This is the most content packed into a module I've seen out of my four classes; and instead of having a week to get through it all, I have a day.  Luckily, it's fascinating stuff.  I love philosophy, and we are getting an introduction to Nietzsche...a fascinating man!  His sister basically took all his words and rearranged them into a book (with his name) while she was caring for him in the later part of his life, mentally insane by that time, and handed that book to Hitler.  He made it a mandatory book, though there is speculation that he never read it himself.  Anyway, so half a century after Hitler died, he was condoned for his part in the Holocaust, though he would have highly objected to the whole movement.  Kristi, you better not be pulling any of my blog posts for something like that!  Oh "Art and Ideology of the 20th Century" how you can be so darn encompassing!

Mark hasn't really told me much about his classes.  Yesterday, I had plans to go to the pool in the afternoon, and turns out, his introductory lectures were so not overwhelming, that he joined me!  We spent three hours conversing with other SOs and playing with Becky's youngest daughter at the pool, in the sun, in January!  haha, take that future New York selves!  He is taking Parasitology and the other class.  Yep, he keeps teasing me because, for the first time, he actually knows his schedule better than I do.  I'll get around to making his post-it calendar before the rest of the classes start!  Oh and the other class is Community and Preventative Medicine; I had to ask.  And I asked what is was about and he said, "community and preventative medicine."  So I'm guess public health, vaccines, etc.  I'll dig some more details out soon enough!  Mark's also not feel too well the last couple days.  But he says that he may have a cold.  He got some sun at the pool, so he's a little pink...and that's as far as my diagnosis goes.  I think his afternoon naps are helping, though, and he's already better now than he was this morning.

Back to me!  :)  I went to the school today to get setup for the iPad computer class.  I started updating the iPads since they are all in need of it.  It took me over an hour and a half to update one computer.  The next two were faster, but I still have to go in early tomorrow and finish.  Good news is once their on iOS5, I won't have to do it through the computer anymore!  I'll be able to do them wireless and simultaneously!  Also, I think I'm teaching the other teachers there a thing or two about them.  Susanne (the Dumbledore, though very  different from him, of the school) got a lesson in iCloud and I instructed her to get her own Apple ID or else every app she downloaded would automatically appear on the kids' computers!  She had also mentioned something about decorating the computer lab, which is just plain white walls currently.  When she had mentioned it before, I wasn't that interested because I wasn't thinking I would be accepting the job.  But now that I have sort been pushed into it/committed, I'm wanting to turn it into my own!  And she said paint!!  Oh, I better find out what my constraints are first!  I will have to snap some pictures tomorrow so that I can post them here.  Anyway, I am getting excited be the one in control and to teach two things I love: technology and kiddos!  :)

Since I cannot part without a picture, Mark and I went on our first hash on Saturday!  Becky so graciously took us and a 5th student friend of hers (who happens to be a trumpet player and she majored in Music Technology...but she's from Canada and says "eh" a lot--just kidding, well she did, but it wasn't annoying, and she was fun!).  It was beautiful, a tad difficult (um, I was definitely out of breath and exhausted), and more complicated than I thought!  They set up the trail and mark it with shreds of paper.  They even create false trails sometimes that you can get stuck following so they have calls that you shout to other hashers to help find your way!  Anyway, we are no longer "hash virgins" but opted out of the certificate and beer bath to prove it!  Here are our pictures!  Enjoy!

This guy gave instructions!  I think he was one of the Hash Hares who sets the trails.  Or he's just a predominant organizer.

She is drinking beer out of her shoe.  It's a punishment to people who wear new shoes.  

Ocean view!

The jungle!

Not too different from home, huh?

Playing model!

Eileen sporting her "no longer a hash virgin" certificate

Celebratory rum punch (I added the banana!)

The beautiful landscaping and moon peeking out!

Mark changing into a warewolf because of the moon (I've been reading the Twilight series...)

The mud!