Midterms--does that mean we're half way done?!

I just finished my midterm for my Art and Ideology of the 20th Century class--the test was far too easy.  I took a class very similar to this in the fall that had way easier content and harder quizzes/tests, so I was not prepared for the abundant of free time I now I have!  (Yay for an hour to craft!)  Later today, I'm going to St. George's (town) with some new people, then I have a board game day this afternoon with far too many people, but I'll enjoy it anyway!  We played so many games over the Christmas break that I'm practically going through withdraws!  After board games, I'm headed to the Montessori school to help out with music club.  Then I'm hoping to feel motivated enough to go to the grocery store...  And then after I make something for dinner, I'm hoping Mark and I can make it out to Trivia Night!  We went once on our week off and really enjoyed it!

Mark did not have midterms for his two-week class, but you could call the weekend midterms.  He also didn't do much in the way of school work this weekend!  Term 2 is supposed to be the easiest and it is definitely living up to its hype!  He will have his finals for his two week classes on Monday and Tuesday of next week.  I will have my final on Friday!

Update for my parents: we finished Warehouse 13, Season 2 last night!  Starting season 3 today, I imagine.

I don't really have a picture for the information above, so I'll post my artwork that I wrote an essay about instead.  The essay dealt with Nietzsche's idea of "the void."  I loved talking about meshing a photo with digitized strokes and tying in Foucault's philosophy of the death of man and prevalence of technology!  I hope when I am reading this one day in the future, those statements make sense, because I'm really enjoying this class!