
I lived on a tropical island--most would say I've lived in Paradise. Well, Grenada was great, but I've had better.

I'm feel a little nostalgic for the warm weather as today heats up to 72 degrees in NY for presumably the last time for months, but also for the great family vacation I was so happy to enjoy in May. Just check out these photos and you'll wish you were right there with us, too!

We hopped on a little 8-seater plane and flew right above the main island of Grenada to a smaller sister island: Carriacou. 

We boarded a boat and set sail for Union Island.

We arrived to untouched, unparalleled beauty that surpassed any and all expectations. 

We spent our first night in Chatham Bay, flying a kite, picking up sea glass and just being in awe of our surroundings.

The next day, we headed up to Tobago Cays, a bit more touristy than the previous day but still a world apart from anywhere else we've been.

Our shaded part of the boat.

Family picture (minus my husband, who stayed home to study)

On sister chasing away the seagulls

View from on top of the tiny island. 

Beautiful little quirks everywhere. Here's a cute little shell affixed to an otherwise ordinary rock.

Random moments of fun at every turn. 

My parents making a splash! (with the help of some splashers)

Underwater cameras come in handy when you're snorkeling with turtles!!

Snorkels are hot.

I would love to recommend the Timshel and Footloose company! I meal planned for the trip (they have other options), and we ate on shore on one of the islands, so it came out to be quite a cost effective trip!

Introducing you to my favorite place on planet Earth. I hope to see the rest of the world, but I'd still be content if this remained my favorite. Introducing Mayreau (pronounced Myroo, or by me, Myra Island), and this is Salt Whistle Bay. Beyond the strip of island is the fierce (exaggerated) waves of the Atlantic Ocean, and inside the bay is a calm and peaceful oasis. The perfect place to dock for the night, to hike up the main part of the island and to set up my hammock forever.

My gorgeous sister!

From atop of Mayreau with my mom and sister. 

Our seemingly private island proved to be not quite so as evidenced by these four-legged footprints!

And this, my friends, is Paradise. 

...especially when you get to share it with the greatest people!

I wasn't kidding about my hammock. Also, check out my sister climbing a tree and my dad about to just sit in the shallow bay.

Bliss. Although, I do wish my husband was able to join. And even without that, bliss.
Even storm clouds are pretty! Unobstructed views make everything look incredible.

My family trying to be normal as we come ashore to Petite Martinique, the third named and smallest island of Grenada. It is our captain's home island and a perfect place to spend our last night to complete the ultimate Grenada and Grenadine adventure. 

My family, a little more realistically.

While we all looked great in the gorgeous golden-hour glow, my sister looked particularly amazing with her blue eyes and bright pink headband she purchased across the bay on Petite St. Vincent. 

The sunset did not disappoint. We sailed all the way home the next day. As we disembarked, and for the next several days, the ground seemed to have some extra motion underneath us, like our minds subconsciously wished we were still rocking at sea.

Back on the mainland--err, main island of Grenada, rejoined with my husband. 

Ready for the next family vacation, wherever that may be! 
...and one day, I will return to Myra Island with my husband and my hammock and bask yet again in Paradise.