Where did the first half of October go!?

Sorry it's been so long since my last post.  I think about it all the time, but to actually make time for it has been difficult.  Since my last post, a lot has happened!  More board game days (the perfect escape from school work!), more board meetings,  a disaster preparation talk, a PAM Lunch, Bingo Night, shooting baskets with Kat, LIMES music lessons, budget hair cut, sushi night, Island Tour, Mark's midterms, an SGU talent show, etc.  I've been trying to get ahead in school work to prepare for my parents' arrival and my week away from the island.  I'm actually quite stressed as of the last couple of days!

PAM (Program for Adolescent Mothers) Luncheon
The lunch we went to last Thursday was for a great cause.  We took about 3 car load from the IGA up into the mountains to the beautiful PAM building where they held a lunch for us.  The lunch is served by the girls in the program who are using it to get real job-training skills.  It was a great time, with great company, and though the service wasn't great, we were just fine being the practice patients for these wonderful ladies!

awesome building, awesome view!

The menu, though we had to RSVP with our choices nearly a week prior!

The snack before the appetizer (so it wasn't on the menu and I don't really know what it was, but it was good!)

The set-up was really cute!  2 tables, big open room with the breeze blowing through (it actually rained most of the time, but we were far enough away that we were just feeling the cool breeze!)

Pumpkin Soup appetizer (very common Grenadian dish)

Main course (potatoes, veggies, and some sort of fish--too fishy for me, and too cold by the time I ate--one of our table-mates waited nearly half an hour longer for her dish; we gave up after about 5 minutes in!)

Pineapple upside-down cake and nutmeg ice cream!

It's very normal not to split the check...I guess they're good to go on that one!   Only one dropped tray!  I would say they are on their way to success!

The group!

Mark finished his Midterms!  He was happy with his grades!  It wasn't too stressful of a week.  It was three tests spread out of 5 days with a day in between each.  Friday, Mark had a written Anatomy test, and then time off before he had to report to the cadaver lab for his practical.  I was at a surprise birthday lunch for a friend off campus, but Mark informed me that he ate his lunch while watching some review slides of cut-open bodies.  I guess he's growing more accustomed to being around dead bodies...  I'm trying to grow more accustom to the smell of formaldehyde, which strongly lingers on his scrubs when he comes back from lab!  Some of the things we did to relax that weekend were lunch at umbrellas (which I had been to a couple weeks before with Jessie; Mark had never been) and a visit to the beach for an evening swim!  We also did a lot of sports watching and catching up on TV shows.
How does it feel to be done with Midterms? 

At Umbrellas!  I have the beach view...because...

Mark wanted the TV view (strategically hidden behind my head!)

Mark's pepper and bbq sauce burger

My chicken salad (they were both delicious!)  We also got sweet potato fries which are amazing!  

 And the next evening at the beach again!

Waiting for the awful weekend buses--they can not keep a schedule!  

BINGO Night at Prickly Bay

There are two wonderful ladies who have to leave the island early due to discovering that med school isn't the right path.  We had a fun get together at a local marina restaurant on their behalf!
Laminated, downloaded bingo cards and dry erase markers.  TIG's bingo hall!  

Relaxing outside, next to the ocean, playing bingo.  No big deal.  :)

I ended winning a raffle prize of $25 credit to the cell phone company that I don't use.  I traded it for my third of pizza (about $10).  Fair trade in my opinion!

I attempted to give Mark a haircut.  Here are the before pictures...

And for some reason, I don't have any after pictures!  Oh well!  :)  It wasn't a terrible result.  He didn't have to wear a hat to class or anything.  But it was definitely not the work of someone who knew what they were doing.  Maybe next time I'll look up a tutorial on youtube first.  Or pay the approx $8usd to get someone else to do it!