Just another day!

This has been my most time consuming week so far in my masters degree, but I'm still loving it!

Mark has been surprisingly not super busy (I swear I did more school work than he did yesterday!).  He is really good at getting off task (he's watching the GameTracker for TCU, Rangers, and Cowboys, which kept him quite occupied this weekend), and can be a problem because he has midterms this week!  Starting tomorrow morning!  It's biochem, his least comfortable subject and he's ready to get it over with.  He feels comfortable enough with it, hence his lack of studying, but let's just hope it's enough to pull out a good grade!  The midterms are 40% of his overall class average.  Wednesday morning is Histology and Friday morning is Anatomy (followed by a practical).  He has no classes in between, so after his test tomorrow, I hope he'll go back to studying.  And just to brag a little...  Mark is really good with case studies.  They had a practice hour last week where they did 1 case from start to finish, adding in new information as they went, explaining how it was tying in topics discussed thus far in class.  Mark knew probably about 5 minutes into the lecture what the diagnoses was, but each new patient history or test result confirmed his suspensions.  And when the professor asked what the diagnosis was to the class, he was the one to answer!  He sits in the back, left side of the room; there were probably about 450 people there that day...and now he better watch out because he's "that guy"....   Oh, our big mouths.  :)  The actual diagnoses had not been discussed in class, but because of his scribing in the ER, that was easy.  It's those days that inspire him to get through the book work of years 1 and 2 and get to the states for clinicals--where they get to do those sort of things all the time!

I am constantly reminded by reasons Mark and I are so compatible.  Today we had an argument.  Not your typical "I'm mad about this," just a normal debate.  We have normal debates.  That is normal right?  We argue political points, psychological philosophies, what would you do scenarios, etc. even when we don't believe it.  Just to argue.  Argue has such a negative connotation, but I love it when we argue!  We always end in smiles, better educated, and more in tune and in sync than before.  I can't remember what it was, just how fun it is for someone to understand me as well as Mark does, and vice versa.

Random today-notes:
  • Mark and I never left the apartment, other than stepping on to the balcony to see what the construction was doing several times to to see the sunset which was beautiful as always...oh and I let a bug out the front door.  

  • The construction noise started around 7:30 or 7:45 this morning...on a Sunday.  So weird.  I think I said something about how eerily peaceful it was outside on Saturday.  We are speculating that they are expanding the awesome parking lot view that we have.  
  • I wrote some more thank you notes for our wedding gifts today.  I feel so bad that they haven't all be sent yet...but I'm still going to do them.  Even if people have forgotten they got us something, Mark and I are so grateful that we want to tell those people!  And we'll blame it on the Grenadian mail system.  Or the US one which is probably more an issue as of lately.  
  • Another Mark and Myra moment: we watched the Daily Show (we are almost a week behind!) today with dinner.  So good.  It's awesome to get to laugh with politics, such a depressing and seemingly hopeless field currently.  To my republican friends, Ron Paul is pretty awesome.  Too bad the media sucks and can't get him some coverage--maybe it's a good thing when you can't uncover controversy...just saying.  What have our politics come to?!  Has anyone seen Rick Perry's movie trailers...I mean political ads?  Seriously wishing we could cash in drama and special effects for policies, effectiveness, and capabilities.  Jon Stewart 2012.  But seriously, I think Obama's time to shine would be right around the corner if he wasn't having an epic battle with the House.  Here's to resolution, please!
  • I made chicken nuggets for dinner.  Mark said he didn't even think of those as a homemade commodity.  And the thought never crossed my mind, until I found a great deal on chicken breasts at IGA.  :)
  • Cut chicken breast, coated with milk, egg, and cracker crumbs seasons with thyme and pepper (the crackers I bought at IGA were pretty stale, so I used as much as possible), and pan-fried.  Delicious dipped in honey and BBQ sauce!  I also made hush puppies with the left over batter (great with ketchup), and had green beans for that green veggie thing that you're supposed to eat so much of...

      The mess.  Inevitable.  But hey, the counter space problem is better!  
  • I made dessert, too.  Yesterday (and before lunch today), it was a cookie cake in the microwave--I'm desperate for my sweets!  Today, it was a banana split!  Only, blue bell is like $12 and it's been the same 5 flavors in Food Fare for weeks (so probably not fresh), and I imagine ice cream melts before you can get it home.  So we used vanilla yogurt!  Yum!  
    • Large banana, cut in half then in halves.  Vanilla yogurt, Hershey's chocolate, sprinkles and cherries!  :)