It's November?!

Wow, time is just flying!  We've been here almost three months (next week) and leave in 6 weeks (and 1 day)!

I have been feeling very unproductive lately.  I feel like unless I have a full to-do list in the morning and a fully crossed out list in the evening, I don't do much with my days.  But I have started re-examining this theory and am creating mental "to-did" lists (or "all-done" or something; still working out the name for these mental lists...).

Well, I wanted to share one to see what the mental list looks like all spelled out!  Today I:
  • Woke up before 7am (oh yay, more time to do stuff, right?!)
  • Said goodbye to Mark while I was still in bed at 7:45am
  • Worked my hand-eye coordination *cough, played Nertz card game on my phone* 
  • Put away dishes
  • Worked for way too long on an Illustrator assignment, just to decide that I should have picked an easier picture and will have to get back to it when I'm less frustrated.  This is the hardest assignment we've had in this class in my opinion
  • Checked in to all my classes; listened to all the students' feedback from the digital graphics professor 
  • Took my email off more marketing mailing lists (part of the missions imposed by Cat's blog)
  • Made a crafty "T" using a cereal box and twill
  • Cut and mod podged flash cards for Mark
  • Watch 2 episodes of NCIS (while making flash cards!)
  • Made lunch ( tough.)
  • Got my water bottle from a friend 
  • Facebooked old memories and remembered that I have a goofy personality I need to let shine more!
  • YouTubed some easy dance moves that I wanted to try, but ended up getting side tracked on "flash mobs" where the guy writes his own songs and sings them live *warning, youtube is super distracting; I accidentally brought Mark into this!
  • Completed my weekly module and quiz for one of my classes 
  • Took a walk with Mark to the end of the peninsula and watched the waves beat up the rocks (sometimes we both just need a break!) 
    • Equated Mark's three classes with my three classes; the one we both are very comfortable with even though it requires a lot of work and time, the one we think is definitely doable but not as enjoyable, and the one that we despise for various reasons
  • Read up on all the latest Occupy Wall St movement happenings, and other news
  • Washed dishes
  • Made dinner (broccoli and beef with rice)
  • Put away dishes
  • Washed dishes again
  • Started catching up on blog
Some other things besides the boring "dishes" and make meals I've done this week include frisbee with Mark and the mud, laying in the hammock, and an extravagant Halloween festival for the kids!  I know I have a lot of catching up to do with family weekend and my DC trip, but for now, I wanted to reflect on more about what normal day says rather than one big event!

I have done a lot of thinking about who I am lately.  I know I have a husband who loves me for who I am, but who am I?  Do you ever feel like the other half knows you better than you do?  Maybe that's a good thing, but I like to know for my self!  And since I shouldn't be pestering him, it's taking a lot of thinking to reach a conclusion.  Reflecting on my photos on facebook today, I realized that what I remember most about the times in school aren't really the big adventures (though those are the most fun to retell).  It's how I felt.  And lately, since I've been feeling like I'm "not my self", I wanted to change that so I remember only how much I enjoyed Grenada when I look back on my time here.  The photos reminded me that I am goofy at heart, with the people I'm comfortable with.  There aren't many people here I'm comfortable with yet, so I haven't gotten to really get "having fun" out of my system.  The closest I get to it is board game days, which we had yesterday and was quite revitalizing!  Everyone has to be a little goofy when playing cranium!  

Another thing I realized today, after a day where I have done so much school stuff and other "intellectual stuff" (I swear some people say that with a negative connotation here...), I really like to learn.  I love learning new things, getting better at things I already know, being an informed citizen, reading, succeeding, taking notes, googling something I don't recognize, etc.  Why is that such a bad thing to some people?  The SO president currently puts on events where he'll ask other SOs or other people to speak about a topic they are very familiar on, sharing their knowledge.  I love to attend those!  While I was gone to DC, they had one from a ex-marine who was here for the Grenadian Thanksgiving to see how the island was doing since he was here last as a soldier during the revolution!  The last one I went to was on mental institutions during the civil war.  The one next week is on being a pit boss in Vegas!  Why would people not go to these!?! 

That's enough insight about me (and hints of frustrations about some of the close-mindedness I keep finding) for awhile. I owe you an update on Family Weekend and my DC trip--those will both be LONG posts! 

And since I have no relevant pictures to show you, I leave you with some of my favorites after reflecting today (and this is only back to junior year!).  As my grandparents always said, "Having fun is job #1!"

Swinging in Sweden--I was stuck like that!

Just a funny sign, so it warranted a funny picture...

Fake ice rink on campus senior year!  At least my butt wasn't cold!

No tellin'

Well, this is me huddled in a revolving door.  Why?  I don't know.

Standing in front of a fountain is just too boring.

When the hula-hoop fits...

haha, mustachios! 

and a beard... (aren't I weird!)

ok Beth, let's get a jumping picture over this cable, while looking at the camera and giving each other a high five!  Win!

It's true!

Science museum!  Are they just a blast?! :)

Shopping at target.  It's how the cool kids roll.

Not my first staged accident!  Kristi, remember that 5 bike pile up on that deserted county road?!  Haha, classic.  

What happens in Vegas is often unexplainable.  Thank you basketball band and TCU for making this moment possible!

I may be weird, but at least I'm creatively weird!