I'm a Crock Pot Cook!

So, yes, I got a new crock pot!  And we are currently getting along quite well!  It cost me $20ec (less than $8) and it only uses 90w, so even though it is a US plug, it doesn't feel like we are risking out lives to plug it in!  The couple we bought it from (great people!) are letting me use the cook book that goes along with it and I'm trying to find some good recipes and scan them while I can!

The first thing I made (because I was going through withdraws) is a yellow cake made from a cake mix.  I found the recipe online and had to split it in half and make two cakes because it is geared towards a regular crock pot.  Still, the cake is a success (very moist, even after storing it in the fridge and reheating it), and since we didn't have any frosting, the melted chocolate chips and sprinkles give it the cake appearance!

 The second thing I made was some meatloaf!  I've never made meatloaf before, but I've always enjoyed eating it at home!  While I was preparing this, Mark said something along the lines of "You know, we've never eaten meatloaf together before."  And then we shared how excited we both get over meatloaf!  Though I would love for my mom to make some stuffed bell peppers over the Christmas break!
 The third thing I've made in that magical, tiny white contraption is Banana Bread Pudding with Chocolate.  I really didn't recall ever having bread pudding before, so I didn't know quite what to expect when I had to cut slices of bread into tiny cubes and mix with raw egg and mashed bananas...
 But the result is quite fantastic!  I'm very excited to get to have some more of this!  Hopefully it will reheat just as well as the cake!
And speaking of reheat...today for lunch, we had left over tuna salad, left over sloppy joes, (on fresh bread) and left over meatloaf (which we didn't even get to with the other options so dinner is already taken care of!).  This is an exciting time because I am getting more excited to cook, making it less of a chore.  We usually don't have options when it comes to left overs...if there are left overs, we're eating them!  But not this time, not this lunch!  And now we have options for dessert!  Speaking of which: slow cooker functions: dinner: 1, dessert: 2.5 (I had to cook two cakes!).  Priorities!