Today's To Done List

Today was a great day.  Not for any big event, or any major accomplishment, but just because overall, I'm happy with what I'm doing and where I am right now!

First, an update on Mark...he's taken 2 of his 3 final exams and feels fine with them.  The third one is the one that just has a lot of material and he doesn't know what to expect, so hopefully he'll feel good after his test so he can enjoy his weekend since grades won't be posted until Monday, I believe. He come up a few more times in my list!

This morning, I checked my email and worked on my classes.  I was offered a job at the montessori teaching a computer class, though I'm probably not going to take it because I feel there are people who better fit what they are looking for.  I found out that I got an A on my two assignments this week (which is great because my quizzes weren't as good as normal).  I then started on an assignment that is due on Monday that I've been "working" on for the last couple of weeks.  It's a two page paper (but really longer if you're going to actually cover the material), and I had already drawn my artwork that I had to discuss.  I wrote the entire thing this morning!  I'm a slow paper writer because I never now how to start...I literally look at the flashing cursor for far too long.  But I was motivated to finish because Mark will be done with classes tomorrow around 11 and I don't want him to then have to be the one saying, "when will you have some free time so we can go ____?"  I then emailed it to our class writing helper for some feedback.

I had to meet someone at options that I was buying a duvet cover and storage container we decided we'd go early and get lunch.  Options is a group of huts that sell food right off campus--the only one we've tried and absolutely love is Mr. Chipotle.  It takes them 25-30 minutes to make nachos and a burrito, so we find a ton of bottle caps that I collect for some fun crafty things!  We've been really good about eating out (avg twice a month...but that will be skewed as Mark and I decided today that we want to stop off at Taco Bell, Jack-in-the-box, and Arby's on the way home from the airport on the 17th...).  I took Mark so that he could carry my goodies home while I caught the bus to Mont Toute where I had a dress rehearsal with the kids for tomorrow's program!  That was fun--it's not my level of program, but it's what we can do given the resources we have!  I'm running sound and conducting a song, though I taught several of the songs being performed.  There is also a special tribute to a teach that just passed away there... very sad and I'll probably cry even though I don't know who it was.  I'm also helping hand out the instruments, I made the program handouts and the no-talking-signs that Ruth can hold up so the kids know when it is their turn to speak or what song is next.

After leaving the montessori school, I caught the bus back to campus where I came in and had more school productivity until 4, when I had plans to pick up some more stuff from people.  Mark went with me because he was itching to get outside and we chatted with two different 5th termers, who were wonderful and peppy! I love the people here!  One of the girls said she'll probably just give us most of her left over stuff she doesn't sell and hopes that we can find some good use for it.

Then we had to play our daily dose of frisbee.  Mark has been bargaining me for his 15 minutes outside where he doesn't have to think about school.  It is his best break and my best way out of dishes!  Though this week, there isn't much relief because he is busy every second that he isn't doing one of the above listed things.  After frisbee, I did the few edits that the writing helper suggested, added about a page of other info that may or may not help, and now I'm writing a blog!  It's only 7pm!  I still have to do dishes, I plan on completing my last school module for the week and starting the assignment, and then I will be picking up a car tonight!  Mark and I are renting a car for the last week we are here to give us freedom to get around since we have the time.  That means I will be driving home, on the left side of the road.  Oh goodness, I'm scared.  I may not be updating for awhile since I'll have my husband back (not because I crashed...), but we'll take pictures and share later!  :)
Yep, good day when you have all of this new stuff!  (I cannot wait to use those cake pans!)  Tomorrow we will pick up two transformers, including one that is powerful enough to power our nuwave oven!