2 Minutes, A vent

Dear Oblivious Student,

  I know you didn't intentionally pick the only computer in the print lab that hooks up to the scanner.  But when I ask you how long you think you will be, don't tell me two minutes and then show me your peace-sign "two minutes" fingers.  Don't tell me that unless you mean it.  And while I wait around for 5 minutes, I read all the signs that say time limit of 10 minutes... I gather you've been there longer based on your set-up of your personal laptop next to the print lab's pc.  No worries, though, I decided I was wasting my valuable time by reading all the rules to the print lab, so I used the empty computer right next to you that also works as a print station, but sadly does not connect to the scanner.  After I could no longer occupy my time on the internet next to you, I decided I would explore the library.  I have never seen the second floor, so I thought I'd take a look and hoped to stumble upon another scanner (though I asked the student worker who said that was the only one and that I should have asked you to use a different computer, but instead I asked how much time you needed).  After exploring the library, the deserted journal section in the quiet area, the bridge connecting the two sides and discovering the third floor is an exit only and I would have to go all the way down the stairs to see what was on the third floor, I decided that your 15 minutes surely would cover your projected 2 minutes.  But, they did not.  You were nonchalantly watching your prints come off the printer, making sure you should still have your print job open in case one was slightly faltered.  So I went back outside and waited.  And checked my wifi, and my album still hadn't completely downloaded.  And then about, oh, two minutes later, there you are emerging from the print lab, not a clue to how inconsiderate you were or how it seems that your time would sell for more than mine because it is clearly more precious.  But alas, I had the computer I needed, connected to the lone (I think) scanner.  And then I got to scan my document for my class project, and it took me at most, 2 minutes.  (I upped the resolution, or else it would have been less.)

  Many would tell me to just calm down because that's island time or the Grenadian way.  But no, the Grenadian way is to flat out tell you.  Or let you know when it's going to take longer than you expected.  A friend of mine said that they were hoping to go to a restaurant for dinner.  Well, when they arrived, the "hostess" said things were full.  When they asked how long it would be, the hostess said they should just come back another day.  That's the Grenadian way; inconvenient, yes, but deceptive: no.  Oh, and this wasn't a Grenadian student.  My guess is American.  The American way would be to tell you a time less than the actual time so that you will be suckered into staying, and then show some sympathy, apologize for the delay, and acknowledge the person standing next to you that your initial 2 minutes accidentally turned into 25 minutes.  Yes, to my poor-time-estimating, ex-hostess, oblivious American student, show some remorse or consideration next time.  Gah.

With moderate sincerity,