Bed, Bath & Beyond

The Bed, Bath & Beyond campaign is marketed towards the college freshmen needing to furnish their first place away from home. But we wanted to make sure the campaign did more than just offer great furniture and appliance, we wanted it to help ease the transition.

Copywriter: Myra Mills Tschirhart
Art Director: Tony Thielen
Professors: Jessica Dufour & Laurel Stark Akman
Class: ADV 616: Advanced Advertising Concepts

These are just highlights! View the whole campaign on my google drive. 

Part of transitioning to college is studying, the other part is living. Living in a new place with new people, sometime hundreds of miles from home. You're completely out of your comfort zone. What's best is to learn from those who came before you, so BB&B has set up some students to blog about their adjustments to college and help others transition using their own real life experience. Here are some flyers pointing people to the blog.

And of course, following the bloggers on twitter.

And an app to help make your room more comfortable.

A great way to grab our audience is to help them pin some ideas to improve their room or prepare for their move. They can follow some of our BB&B bloggers on pinterest and get some great ideas through the social media outlet that was meant for decorating college dorms!

And the prize for most likes, check-ins, etc. throughout various media sites can result in your chance to watch the next big game from your school's very own Comfort Zone!