Sweet Leaf Tea Integrated Campaign

Campaign highlights are here, but you can view the entire document through my google drive.

Copywriter: Myra Mills Tschirhart
Art Director: Tony Thielen
Professors: Jessica Dufour & Laurel Stark Akman
Class: ADV 616: Advanced Advertising Concepts

The Sweet Leaf Campaign we created took Sweet Leaf's already great tagline, Homemade Goodness, and really brought the homemade aspect to light.

The campaign encompassed several touch points: print, OOH, Facebook app and badges, Etsy, a revised website with a game that helped drinkers understand the homemade process relevance and required users to pass all levels in order to create custom label and enter the label competition.
The print ads featured other homemade, self-canned goods alongside the Sweet Leaf bottles. To advertise for the custom label competition, one of the Sweet Leaf labels peeled away a blank canvas to draw on and direct consumers to the website.

Out of home ads shared a similar idea of relating the homemade goods to the Sweet Leaf "Homemade goodness."

Here's an introduction to start the game and learn about the production of Sweet Leaf before being able to enter the custom label competition. 

Etsy was another touchpoint that fit our "Homemade Goodness" idea. We wanted to put the bottles on Etsy to get people asking why Sweet Leaf was amongst other handmade crafts, and the response was in the form of a product page detailing Sweet Leaf's hand-crafted production.

We also took the opportunity to highlight the custom design competition on Etsy, where a lot of graphic designers and creatives love to send their time. 

The website altered to include the Label competition and show how integrated it would be to the website. It's a great website so we really wanted to drive people to it! 

After the game, you finally get the privilege to design your own label using a custom interface. 

From there, you can submit and share your custom designed label and show off it's handmade quality through the whole production phase.