
Some pictures for Mark's familia!  He's still alive, no worries!
Making a sandwich after lab!  (he still can make his own food, even though he doesn't most of the time)

Mark should not be allowed to study in bed...
Mark's loaner computer for the week.  Now we are down to 1.  

He's still goofy!

Mark on departure day, Aug 9, talking to his dad.

Mark and I walked to the end of the peninsula.  Mark was fascinated by the crabs (it was his study break--he would have been fascinated by anything!)

Mark thinking I'm silly for taking his picture.  He doesn't just roll his eyes; he rolls his whole head!

Texting, but it looks like he's studying.  

Playing with flash cards...

Trying to make fried cucumbers.  I wouldn't feed him because he's been eating too much (seriously, we eat for four twice a day, with snacks in between).  I told him he'd have to make his own snack, thinking he'd just wait until dinner, forgetting he always wants an excuse to stop studying!

Mark belongs to a club with a cool shirt!  I had to get a picture of that!  :)