Some Assembly Required...Saturday 8/27

This is where you have to start assembling the blogs in an order...

Saturday was the first day that Mark went to a beach in Grenada--three weeks in and finally!  That's what Medical School is like on an island.  If went somewhere in the states, you wouldn't say "finally" at going to a beach 3 weeks in... :)  The adventure happened to coincide with a volunteer event that the SOs help out at, so it wasn't your normal relaxing beach day.  This was a beach day where you get to play with the kids from the Queen Elizabeth home that we volunteer at on Mondays.  Mark also got in some soccer and frisbee, so he was happy!
Still white!  It's only his first day, though!
Lots of students come help at the beginning of term, but there is a point where it becomes mostly SOs. 
Proof I was here!

Playing Frisbee

Playing Football

Riding the bus together (seems so weird)!

And back to studying....
 And then later that day, he decided he had enough of a break to go to the Spiceland Mall with me!  That's where I got some acrylic paints, drawing pencils (as opposed to mechanical pencils), and other crafty things! We saw a random store that I hadn't been in that had Pictionary for $225ec ($85usd) and appreciated getting it off our wedding registry that much more!  :)  We got a few groceries at the IGA (only his second time going to a grocery store since being on the island...), a smoothie and this cake!  I crave cake enough when I'm at home, but when I'm here and don't have an oven, I crave it so much more!!