Some Assembly Required...Monday 8/29

Sorry it has been so long since my last post!  Mark and I are still alive!

Things are picking up here.  Preparations for school starting (today), errands for Mark, planning events for the Significant Other board, venturing off campus at night, etc.

Here was my week so far:

SO Board Meeting at the university club, followed by use of the pool :)
Then Volunteering at the Queen Elizabeth Home (we do this every Monday, last week was really hectic because they were so excited to see us.  This week, they had just woken up from nap time!!!)  We played duck, duck, goose, read to the students, play football (cough, cough, soccer), monkeyed around on the jungle gym, and just gave them the attention that a child living with 15 siblings and two mothers would desire.  I even got my hair braided by one of the girls!

Monday is not over yet...we had our first small social event put on by the SOs. We went to the Owl (which is a restaurant by day, bar and race track by night).  On Monday nights, they normally have crab racing.  This week, however, their crabs escaped and they brought in the turtles!  They have bets ranging from $3-$1000ec ($1-$400usd) and four different races.  Here is the special drink I got; I'm still not sure what was in it (our waiter had a really thick accent) other than bailey's and a banana liquor.  That is nutmeg (Grenada's famous spice) on top.  

 This is the first race...which turtle leaves the circle first.  This is probably 30 seconds into the "race" (they haven't moved).
This was the last race, where they put all 6 turtles out, and you were to bet on the last one out of the circle.  Some left immediately, while others took their time.  #3 (male) was distracted by #1 (female) and ended up winning by chasing #1 out of the circle, on her back, and being the last one out.  They were given names at the beginning of each race, while I don't remember them all, #1 was SGU and #3 was Oxford.  Make your own jokes as you please....  
All in all, it was a busy Monday.  I place a $3 bet on the first race and lost, again on the second race, but won, and so I ended up breaking even.  We (Rachel, Kat, and I) took a new bus route to get to the Owl, but that bus stopped running at 9pm, so when the races were over at 10, we had to walk to catch another bus back to campus.  The walk was along the beach which is so calming and beautiful at night.  You can see the stars and the city on the next peninsula over, listen to the water, and hear sounds of the live band playing at the next resort over.  Except, we had 14 minutes to make our bus and didn't want to miss it.  We didn't know how long of a walk it would be, but knew we didn't want to miss this bus.  It ended up being like a 5 minute walk and a 8-10 minute jog.  Once we got to the Grand Anse campus, we saw that the fence was locked, and our bus was there waiting for who any moment in time when it decided it wanted to leave.  Kat jumped the fence first, like a pro..., told us where to stick our feet, grabbed her bag and headed for the bus to make sure it waited.  I hopped over, and then Rachel (not a pro!) followed.  She had just barely swung her second foot over when we heard Kat say "hurry up".  I wanted to take a picture of the fence, but I also wanted to make sure I caught this bus...  Anyway, Rachel and I sprinted to the bus (after jogging/running for the past 10 mins) and got on to a not very receptive bus drive.  He can get over it.  It was just the 3 of us anyway.

Monday is when Mark's laptop also decided to die.  He said that it was working fine when he took it to class, working fine when he brought it home and powered it up, but when he started to study, it clicked and powered off.  It would no longer turn on or act like it had power at all.  This continues to be a problem throughout the week.